Split the kids into two teams and have them face off with each other. Play part of a song from a playlist from "todays top hits for kids" and have the kids press a buzzer to answer (Or raise a paddle of no buzzer available).
First to press gets to answer the name of the song, if they get it right they can guess the decade it came out for bonus points.
If they get the song answer wrong the other team gets a chance to steal, if no teams get the song correct then the team that went first can still guess the decade, if they also get that wrong it goes back to the second team for a chance.
The team with the most points at the end of the activity gets Thunderbucks, any kids with good sport
Split the kids into two teams and have them face off with each other. Play part of a song from a playlist from "todays top hits for kids" AND different decades playlists (make sure they're clean) and have the kids press a buzzer to answer (Or raise a paddle of no buzzer available)
First to press gets to answer the name of the song, if they get it right they can guess the decade it came out for bonus points.
If they get the song answer wrong the other team gets a chance to steal, if no teams get the song correct then the team that went first can still guess the decade, if they also get that wrong it goes back to the second team for a chance.
The team with the most points at the end of the activity gets Thunderbucks, any kids with good sport

Go to THIS LINK and have them draw their version of a time machine.
Have them watch this SHORT VIDEO about Arizona History. Then run them through the questions on the Arizona Quiz for Thunderbucks.
Afterwards have them all go to the LINK and upload a photo of themselves to create a Wild West Wanted Poster. They can continue to play around with the wanted posters after. You can also keep a movie playing in the background too.